Sunday, July 31, 2011

14 days left

Sunday evenings are bitter sweet for me. Being a hairdresser, my Sundays, are Saturdays to most people. Not that I want to go out and rage, mind you. What I really want to do is have a strong cup of kava kava tea (which I'm out of) and snuggle into my bed. Tomorrow should prove to be a pretty busy day. I have cardio/combat training at 9:30AM and ZumbaMax at 6:30PM. Plus a lot of cleaning and running around to do inbetween. So sleep! Come hence forth! Please?

I've been doing a lot of thinking about the raw life style. I do love it. And it's amazing what happens if I eat something that is processed (like Chicken McNuggets. I know I know, not on the plan and most likely a mineral and not an animal) and my body is none too happy with me. But with eating mostly raw it feels like all I eat is salads. As much as I love salads, I'm bored. I'm going to start adding cooked food into my meal plans but I'm keeping it very vegetable oriented.

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